General Exhibit Entry Guildelines

How to Enter Your Exhibits:

  1. Click on the Fair Entry button to the right and follow the instructions.
  2. Print out a receipt for your entries and label everything you are entering
  3. Get your exhibits to the Fair!
    • Non-perishable Exhibits can be dropped off at Harriett Hall the weekend before the Fair
    • Crops and Vegetables and Flowers can be brought in the Tuesday and Wednesday before the Fair and Baked Goods need to be in by 1:00 pm Wednesday at Harriett Hall.  

If you are not in Haines or Klukwan: 

  1. Please contact your Town Representative. They can assist with coordinating shipping free of charge to Haines early July. Free shipping is generously donated by Alaska Marine Lines and Alaska Seaplanes. 
  • Other Communities: If you live in a town that currently does not have a representative, contact the Fair office at 907-766-2476 and we will be happy to help you coordinate shipping. Entries may be mailed at the exhibitor’s expense to: Southeast Alaska State Fair, PO Box 385, Haines, AK 99827. Packaging must be clearly marked “Fair Exhibit,” and should be received no later than two weeks before the Fair.

If you would like help, contact the Fair office at 766-2476; email

Exhibit Returns

Local Exhibit Return:  Entries submitted locally may be retrieved from the Exhibits Coordinator in Harriett Hall between 2 and 5 pm on the Sunday of the Fair or the first week of August between the hours of 9 and 4 pm. Bring your receipt to retrieve your exhibit.

Do Not Leave with your exhibit until you have been signed out by a staff member. This is for your benefit, to ensure that all entries go back to the right homes.

Out-of-town Exhibit Return: Most entries received from other Southeast communities will be returned via Alaska Marine Lines or Alaska Seaplanes. Entries will be packed for the barge departing Haines on the Friday after the Fair unless alternative arrangements have been made with the Fair office.

Liability Waiver: We take every precaution to protect and safeguard exhibits, both in shipping and during exhibition. We take this very seriously! However, accidents are possible. Therefore, in the act of submitting exhibits, the exhibitor agrees that the Southeast Alaska State Fair is in no way liable for loss, damage or injury entries in any department.

Southeast Alaska State Fair General Terms and Conditions

  1. By entering exhibits at the Fair, you agree to the Southeast Alaska State Fair General Terms and Conditions.
  2. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to be familiar with and understand all terms and conditions.
  3. The Southeast Alaska State Fair Board reserves the final and absolute right to interpret any and all terms and conditions contained in any and all parts of the Exhibit Guidelines, and to unilaterally settle and determine all matters, questions, or differences in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of, connected with, or incidental to the SEAK State Fair. They further reserve the right to resolve unforeseen matters not covered by general or department terms and conditions published in the Exhibit Guidelines, to amend or add to those terms and conditions as in its judgment it may determine, and to withdraw all premium offerings in all departments should any emergency exist and circumstances demand. 
  4. Tampering, altering, and/or misrepresentation relative to any exhibit is prohibited.
  5. All entries must be made or grown by the exhibitor and not previously shown at the SEAK Fair. 
  6. No guns or replicas of guns will be accepted in any category.
  7. Should a dispute arise, the Department Superintendent’s decision is final.
  8. Definitions
    1. Junior: For exhibitors age 16 and under. If you choose this category you must also state your age at the time the exhibit was grown/made. Age will be taken into consideration in the judging for this category.
    2. Adult: For exhibitors 17 years of age and over.
    3. Professional: An individual who profits over $500/year from the sale of items/related to items being exhibited
  9. Each Exhibit Department has Divisions; each Division has Classes. A “Best of Division” winner is chosen from among the blue ribbon winners awarded in all Classes. There will be three winners of “Best of Division” per division, a Junior, Adult, and Professional. The Best of Division winners are judged against each other to determine the Best of Junior, Senior, and Professional. There will only be one of each per department. A Department Champion is chosen from among the Best of Junior, Senior, and Professional as the best entry in that Department.
  10. Exhibits are judged using the Danish System, meaning an exhibit is judged first on its own merit against the standards or scorecards of the department, division, and class (if applicable). After this the judging measures exhibits against each other until a department champion is determined. 
  11. The Southeast Alaska State Fair reserves the right for Fair Staff and Department Superintendents to correct or alter the awarding of ribbons when the appropriate judging system has not been followed. 
  12. Ribbons and exhibits which are not picked up from Harriett Hall by the end of the Annual Meeting (held one month after the Fair) will be disposed of by the Fair.  

Exhibit Categories

Within each department there is a category based on age or level of expertise. The exhibitor must choose the applicable category. 

  1. Junior: For exhibitors age 16 and under. If you choose this category you must also state your age at the time the exhibit was grown/made. Age will be taken into consideration in the judging for this category.
  2. Adult: For exhibitors 17 years of age and over.
  3. Professional: An individual who profits over $500/year from the sale of items/related to items being exhibited


Ribbons will be awarded as follows:

  • Department Grand Champion – Great Purple Rosette
  • Judges’ Choice – Large Maroon Rosette
  • People’s Choice – Large Blue and White Ribbon
  • Best of Junior – Large Blue Rosette
  • Best of Adult – Large Blue Rosette
  • Best of Professional – Large Blue Rosette
  • Best of Division – Large Purple Rosette
  • First Place – Blue Ribbon
  • Second Place – Red Ribbon
  • Third Place – White Ribbon
  • Honorable Mention – Green Ribbon
  • Participation – Rainbow Ribbon, awarded to all Junior exhibitors

Each Exhibit Department has Divisions; each Division has Classes. A “Best of Division” winner is chosen from among the blue ribbon winners awarded in all Classes. There will be three winners of “Best of Division” per division, a Junior, Adult, and Professional. The Best of Division winners are judged against each other to determine the Best of Junior, Senior, and Professional. There will only be one of each per department. 

A Department Champion is chosen from among the Best of Junior, Senior, and Professional as the best entry in that Department.

Click on the Fair Entry ribbon above to enter your exhibits into the 2024 Southeast Alaska State Fair!

SEAK Fair does not charge any fee for entry into the Fair, disregard the places in Fair Entry where it asks for payment.

If you have any issues getting started with Fair entry, contact Emma at the Fair Office, 907-766-2476 or